Thursday, February 03, 2011


 Yesterday I was stir crazy by 2pm.  (How did our pioneer ancestors do it, stuck in log cabins almost all winter?) So I went outside, and Saige and I cleaned off the car and took off to run to the store.  She has a sore throat, and wanted soup, because almost everything else she eats hurts.  (She has an appointment on the 11th of this month to see about getting those nasty, big, huge, infected tonsils of hers removed)

That's not a huge, nasty, infected tonsil in the above photo.  It's how the roads looked on our drive yesterday.

The last two pictures below were taken as I stood in the middle of our street--the only street in the entire city that the snow plows hadn't touched.  Seriously.  Okay, perhaps I'm exaggerating, but it certainly seemed that way yesterday!  Our street is paved with old bricks, and usually we are among the last street to get plowed, anyway.  I think the city wants to wait to see if the snow will melt on its own, so the plows won't do more damage to the brick than has already been done by the years of having horses, buggies, and automobiles driving on it.

Here are a few other photos for your viewing pleasure.  Like I always say, "If I put up a lot of pictures, I don't have to type so many words."

We have some photos from Christmas.  The first one is of Justice, the youngest of the girls Saige babysits.  She's merrily eating Cheetos, and I think she loves them.

Next is a picture of Lampshade and Justice playing Guitar Hero.  I love how Justice is looking at Lampshade.

Then there is a picture of Saige's hand.  Oh, and her engagement ring, too.

The last two are of Mr. Clean and his daughter.  He's training her early to be a Bears fan, like him.  

That's it for now, I think.  I was going to put up some of the photos from Erma's wedding, but I'll have to do that tomorrow.

Go in peace, be warm and filled.

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